This is Frequently asked question for Huskify Product Labels, You can test app demo by access to the app on shopify app store

Feature FAQ

How to display labels for all products, specific products or specific collections?

Yes, Our app provide option help you can display for all products, specific products or specific collections


if you want to display label to products, collection or product tags, you can select option and select item to display labels:

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How to display labels for all pages or specific pages?

Yes, Our app provide option help you can display for all pages or specific pages

How to display labels for Sale, Sold out or in stock automatically?

Yes, provide option to help display labels for sale, sold out or in stock product automatically, In the "Label type", you can select In Stock, Sold out or Sale option.


Label will be displayed with product condition correctlly. for example: if a product is sold out, label sold you will be display in the product

How to set label size and position for label?

Yes, You can set size and position for label

How to display discount amount in label?

Yes, You can dislay discount amount in label automatically, In The Label Type Field, Select Special Discount


Configure position and style for label and discount text.


Our app will calculate discount amount and display it on label for each product.

What maximum number labels can be displayed in product?

Yes, our app display up to 5 labels in the product, if product has more than 5 labels, it will display label with high Priority

Can I upload label from PC or sample labels data in the app?

Yes, You can upload Label from PC or use sample label, template data in the app

How can create and customize template to use for labels in the app?

Yes, You can create and customize template to use for label, You can upload, select background, add image and text to template, for text, you can customize for color, font family, font size, style and more...


The template will be show when you add or edit label, You can select and continue editing.

How can customize label after upload label, select sample labels or templates?

Yes, After upload Label or select sample data, you still can continue customize label

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Support FAQ

How can I contact support?
You can contact via email [email protected] or phone, whatapp number (+84)913718933
What is the response time for support requests?
Yes, We will respond you as soon as possible
I see demo store is require password, how can test app without password?

Yes, the demo store is require password but you can access it without password by access on link in our app shopify store app.

1. Go to link our app on shopify store on Link

2. Click To View Demo Store


License FAQ

Can I use full features in the plan in free trial
Yes, You still get full features in the plan in free trial, We will also support, Free fix theme-incompatible?